2 Premi
Best Marketing Award
Area geografica: Paesi Bassi
Menzione d’Onore Good Milk - Vitelli
Area geografica: Paesi Bassi
Categoria: Latte liquido; Yogurt/gelati/dessert a base di latte e derivati
Stato: Policy in essere
"At Kalverliefde, we are committed to working with small-scale organic and biodynamic farmers who allow calves to stay with their mothers for about three months—an exceptional practice in the dairy industry. By fostering a natural, humane, and regenerative environment, we have built a trusted brand that resonates with consumers seeking responsibly produced dairy. Our commitment ensures that cows and calves thrive in environments that promote their well-being. Through our thoughtful marketing campaigns, we have raised awareness and educated consumers on ethical dairy farming, and we are honored to have received the Best Marketing Award for this impactful initiative." Janina van der Drift, Founder & CEO