Woodlands Jersey Beef
Ristorazione collettiva
1 Premi
Menzione d’Onore Good Milk - Vitelli
Area geografica: Regno Unito
Categoria: Carne di vitello, vitellone o manzo (nati da vacche da latte)
Stato: Policy in essere
"Farm animal welfare is crucial to our farming ethos. We have always been aware of the tremendous work undertaken by Compassion in World Farming to improve the lives of farm animals globally and have been inspired to work to save Jersey bull calves from early deaths.
The ethos behind Compassion is at the heart of our farming practices, giving animals a happy, natural, stress free life and a dignified death. Being awarded the Calf Commendation means a huge amount to us in terms of being recognised by an organisation so far reaching in its influence and so respected by the worlds' agricultural community.
In these days of increasing accountability and the need to prove provenance to customers this would be an enormous fillip to our cause and an encouragement to new and old customers to try our products."
Jane Denley, Owner - Woodlands Jersey Beef