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Ospedale Royal Brompton - vincitore del Premio Good Egg

Key points

  • All 56,000 eggs used/year are local and free-range.
  • All of the Hospital’s egg sandwiches are now made with free-range eggs.
  • All milk is organic and from the Windmill Dairy in Bedfordshire.
  • A farm in Wiltshire supplies the Hospital with organic 100% beef burgers and other meats.

The background

  • They wanted to move to sourcing local free-range eggs as part of supporting government initiatives to make UK farming more sustainable and encouraging healthy eating and the promotion of nutritious food.
  • Providing high quality, nutritious and high welfare food has always been important to the Royal Brompton Hospital.

The process

  • The hospital catering department worked closely with Sustain and the Soil Association who help to source local free-range foods.
  • They went directly to local producers in order to get the best deals.
  • Because they are a large consumer with a predictable demand they found many local suppliers keen to win the contract.
  • They secured a contract with Bank Farm in Kent who were able to meet their needs at a very competitive price.
  • They saved costs by cutting out the middlemen.


  • The contracted local farm has greatly benefitted and expanded.
  • Customers appreciate the free-range eggs and comment on their better quality.
  • Mike Duckett, Catering Services Manager at The Royal Brompton was recently nominated as a BBC Country File Local Food Hero
  • Prince Charles has visited the hospital to witness their success in bringing local, high-welfare food onto the menu.

Contacts / further info

  • Sustain may be able to help you find local suppliers of free-range eggs and other products.
  • The Soil Association can advise on sourcing organic products
  • The Royal Brompton works with the Public Sector Food Procurement Initiative to improve local procurement.

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