Anno: 2015
Area geografica:
Ovoprodotto (liquido o in polvere)
Policy in essere
Menzione d’Onore Good Rabbit - Conigli
Anno: 2015
Area geografica:
Coniglio fresco; Coniglio surgelato
Policy in essere
Premio Innovazione nella GDO
Anno: 2013
Area geografica:
Premio Good Egg
Anno: 2013
Area geografica:
Uova intere o in guscio
Policy in essere
Kaufland is a leading German retailer with over 1200 supermarkets in Germany and Eastern Europe. The supermarket chain has a significant commitment to farm animal welfare and already won a Good Egg Award in 2010 as it decided to sell only cage-free eggs. They are now winners of the Good Egg award for their commitment to only using cage-free eggs in all their products. They have also won the Good Rabbit Commendation award 2015 for only selling fresh and frozen rabbit reared in higher welfare systems.
“Within the responsible design of our product range, we promote higher welfare farming systems and contribute to the enhancement of existing farming standards. We are very happy and proud to receive this award – it is also a signal that our commitment to animal welfare is the right way forward.”
In German:
"Im Rahmen einer verantwortungsvollen Gestaltung unseres Sortiments fördern wir gezielt alternative Haltungsformen und tragen zudem dazu bei, die Tierwohlstandards in der konventionellen Nutztierhaltung zu verbessern.
Wir freuen uns daher sehr über die Auszeichnung, denn sie zeigt uns, dass wir mit unserem Engagement in Sachen Tierwohl auf einem guten Weg sind."
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